Web Archive with Videos
Description or Abstract
A web page with several embedded youtube videos, all streamed on demand.
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Raw Metadata (JSON)
{ "type": "WebPage", "label": "Web Archive with Videos", "owner": "", "audios": [], "images": [], "models": [], "videos": [], "creator": "", "documents": [], "edm_agent": [], "ismemberof": null, "as:document": { "urn:uuid:6ef8287b-43e1-4e98-a925-2430266fed32": { "url": "s3:\/\/724\/application-moabvideos-6ef8287b-43e1-4e98-a925-2430266fed32.wacz", "name": "moabvideos.wacz", "tags": [], "type": "Document", "dr:fid": 27, "dr:for": "upload_associated_warcs", "dr:uuid": "6ef8287b-43e1-4e98-a925-2430266fed32", "checksum": "724bc829e985ce820059804bdb48f200", "flv:exif": { "FileSize": "298 MB", "MIMEType": "application\/zip" }, "sequence": 1, "flv:pronom": { "label": "ZIP Format", "mimetype": "application\/zip", "pronom_id": "info:pronom\/x-fmt\/263", "detection_type": "signature" }, "dr:mimetype": "application\/warc", "crypHashFunc": "md5" } }, "description": "A web page with several embedded youtube videos, all streamed on demand.", "subject_loc": [ { "uri": "http:\/\/id.loc.gov\/authorities\/subjects\/sh85046090", "label": "Example" } ], "website_url": "https:\/\/manonabeach.com\/", "as:generator": { "type": "Update", "actor": { "url": "https:\/\/play.archipelago.nyc\/form\/descriptive-metadata", "name": "descriptive_metadata", "type": "Service" }, "endTime": "2020-06-25T19:41:53-04:00", "summary": "Generator", "@context": "https:\/\/www.w3.org\/ns\/activitystreams" }, "date_published": "", "term_aat_getty": null, "ap:entitymapping": { "entity:file": [ "images", "documents", "audios", "videos", "models", "upload_associated_warcs" ] }, "local_identifier": "", "subject_wikidata": [ { "uri": "http:\/\/www.wikidata.org\/entity\/Q22713004", "label": "Example" } ], "geographic_location": { "lat": "54.7023545", "lng": "-3.2765753", "city": "", "state": "", "value": "United Kingdom", "county": "", "osm_id": "62149", "country": "United Kingdom", "category": "boundary", "locality": "", "osm_type": "relation", "postcode": "", "country_code": "gb", "display_name": "United Kingdom", "neighbourhood": "", "state_district": "" }, "upload_associated_warcs": 27, "strawberry_field_widget_id": "descriptive_metadata", "strawberry_field_widget_source_entity_id": "13", "strawberry_field_widget_source_entity_uuid": "6acdcfc0-d652-4733-b575-2a97b5d4c907" }